Mme L'Ovary's Favorites

Discover our favorite local businesses and enjoy exclusive discounts!

Thank you for contributing to the creation of a more meaningful world by supporting local businesses ❤️

We are happy to be able to offer discounts at our favorite businesses that work for women's well-being and that of the planet. Enjoy the discovery and dare to treat yourself!

Les Mauvaises Herbes

Les Mauvaises Herbes is a company founded by a trio of nature-loving friends: Mariane, Audrey and Marie. They offer raw materials for making DIY cosmetics and household products, botanical cosmetics, sustainable accessories and much more.

Our favorite product ♡ The Lunar Ointment (works magic to soothe menstrual cramps)

Get 10% off the Lunar Collection with code MMELOVARY10.


Fornix is the first Quebec company to design menstrual discs. Their mission is to help people live a better menstrual life by offering information and menstrual discs that are comfortable, effective, easy to use and made in Canada!

Our favorite product ♡ The menstrual disc (it combines wonderfully with menstrual panties for ++ protection)

Get 10% off with code LOVEFORNIX.


TANIT offers a range of eco-friendly everyday products with the aim of helping the world realize that the answer lies in nature. Co-founders Zohra and Mehdi, both engineering graduates (and the cutest couple!), work from their own laboratory to bring you an alliance between the innovation of science and the power of nature.

Our fIavorite product ♡ Toothpaste tablets (you'll thank us later for this game changer!)

Get 15% off with code TANITLOV15.

Cynthia MA

Cynthia carries a mission that's very close to our hearts: to awaken women to their cyclical nature and the ecstatic magic of their bodies.
Ainsi Soit-Elle sacred oils are consciously designed to accompany you in your self-care rituals.

Our favorite products ♡ Sacred Belly Oil and Sacred Breast Oil (ideal for self-massage!)

Get 10% off with code MMELOVARY10.


Just A Little Fun is the best online store for quality sex toys and... not *just* a little fun! ;-) It's also a sexuality education platform offering quality information and tools that are inclusive, accessible and fun!

Our favorite product ♡ Le Gourmet (the endorphins released after an orgasm help relieve menstrual pain... just sayin'!)

Get 10% off with code LOVARY10.


L'Achillée was created out of a deep love for plants. Since 2018, Roxane has been gathering wild plants on the Saguenay Fjord territory to create unique products. Whether in the forest or in her medicinal garden, she takes the utmost care to offer you the very best of plants.

Our favorite product ♡ Forest Bath Salts (a magical immersion in the forest to relax body and mind!)

Get 20% off on selected products with code ACHILLEA20.


Tempdrop has created the first basal body temperature sensor, an easy way to track your fertility (and the perfect tool for practicing symptothermia, a natural contraception method!). We deeply believe in their noble mission, which is to help women become experts of their own bodies.

Get 15$ off with code AFMMELOVARY.

Stella artuso

Stella is an amazing Somatic Educator and Cycle Coach. She's offering her one-on-one "Reclaim Your Cycle" coaching program, a 6-month journey for women who want to better understand their cycle and reconnect to their womb. Ready to experience balanced hormones, pain-free periods, less PMS and begin to love and accept you cyclical self?

Get 150$ off with the promocode L’Ove150.
Code must be added at the last question on the application form, “Anything else you want to share?”.


Welcome to this gentle encounter with cocoa medicine, a smooth elixir and superfood with many virtues. Holistika offers an intentional ritual, a moment of pure connection, openness and expansion.

(The menstrual phase is a great time to drink cocoa to hone our visionary gifts!)

Get a 10% discount with code LOVARY10.

Other local partners

We love to surround ourselves with companies or associations that have strong social and environmental missions and believe in the well-being of the people and that of the planet.

Corporate Partners

Our corporate partners have accompanied us at every stage of our development and supported us in our organic growth and ethical management.

Check out these goodies too:

Let's unite to create a better world!

We're always on the lookout for meaningful partnerships and collaborations. For any requests, ideas or inspiration, please contact us: